Cybersecurity student in ELTE | Amateur DJ

Job Hunting: Week 4: A little break. Focusing on important things to do. Doing CTFs so that I can include their writeups with the newsletter.

Last week I said I will be starting a newsletter but there is already a lot of companies and people who are doing that. So I need a way to market it differently. Earlier I was thinking about including a nice tutorial but I came across some CTFs and I really want to do participate and learn the art of doing challenges in such events. So maybe I can add writeups with the newsletter.
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Job Hunting: Week 3: No one is even interested in taking an interview. Wow. But I will make something of my own and they will see.

I will be creating a newsletter where the main focus will be cybersecurity news (of course). The catch is... there will also be a tutorial related to a skill/tool/technology. The aim is that the newletter is relevant to a broader category of people including both technical and non-technical audience.
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Job Hunting: Week 2: Finally graduated! Need to do something very different

I have always wanted to build something. Being a computer science student, I learned a lot about development practices but never got closer to finishing a project. Just like a lot of people I guess. I am deeply interested in owning something REAL along with being relevant in the cybersecurity space. I think it's time to make something finally.
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Job Hunting: Week 1: Need to showcase what I know

I am back to square one as the the company which I had talked about last week, also decided to not go forward with the application. On to learning something useful. For real!
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Job Hunting: Hoping on one job application. Moving to weekly post!

I have applied to about 8-10 jobs up until now. I was asked my salary expectation among other HR stuff by one company. It is highly relevant and I will like it most probably.
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Job Hunting Day 2

I applied to a couple other relevant jobs yesterday (and also wrote a motivation letter in the process)
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Job Hunting Day 1

I continue working on my thesis presentation as well as start learning some security fundamentals.
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So it begins - Job Hunting

I am one step away from graduating university with MSc. degree from ELTE! But it is just a milestone not the destination. I want to use my skills in the industry and hence comes the job hunting.
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Moving on...

Trying to keep up with everything
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Journaling and Thesis

Writing helps in keeping the flow of thoughts and bringing the anxiety down
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