Job Hunting: Week 4: A little break. Focusing on important things to do. Doing CTFs so that I can include their writeups with the newsletter.

Posted on Jul 18, 2024

This week is a little different as I will be outside Budapest for the majority of the week.

I was outside Budapest and came back today (Friday 19 July). I am still in the process of applying for a job-seeking visa. There was one important document for which I had to return early but eventually I was able to vist the office to get the same!

CTFs is something I had never tried before but they are very interesting and I want to continue doing it.

I am applying to various jobs and no one wants to give a chance, even for just an interview or a preliminary discussion. It’s also time to redo my CV perhaps?

Currently I am also working on developing a Wordpress website. I have some experience with using Wordpress and this allows me to earn some much-needed-cash.

… I am still hopeful to find a suitable job where I can learn more. …