Job Hunting: Week 2: Finally graduated! Need to do something very different
I had my thesis defense on 28 June, Friday and I am happy to announce it was successful!
01 July - Monday
- I will make a simple app containing cybersecurity news.
- Yet to decide on the design scheme but have a general idea.
- If I take a course from Udemy, should be enough to get me started towards what I want.
- Should have no ads, no data collection, signup on a single website using QR code.
- Simple design, easy to read single page, minimum obstruction to reading.
- Advertisers can sponsor if the text is relevant.
- Option to change text size.
02 July - Tuesday
- Made a small list of resources like websites and blogs where I can see news.
- Will be using RSS reader to fetch latest posts.
- Created Google alerts for keywords related to cybersecurity.
- Need to start learning development in Flutter.
- And also plan to do some courses on the ‘LinkedIn Learning’ platform.
I have a good collection of resources to start at the moment. Maybe I can start posting content on LinkedIn. Need to create a habit of creating content.
03 July - Wednesday
- I have started the course Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide
- I had started this course even before but that was the time when I was busy with the admission process as well.
- This time, I will finish it for sure.
04 July - Thursday
- I was able to run the test application for Flutter with Visual Studio as the IDE.
- It was also important to apply some settings for the editor UI and it was successful (though it took some time)
- Now I can continue following the course
- Made a long list of things I have to do - maybe I should write more, everyday.
- Make use of LinkedIn Learning.
05 July - Friday
- A really productive day.
- Figured out my short term goal and a way to align it with my long-term goal.
- More coming soon …
Long-term goals
- Create a web app. Invite only
- People can choose their favorite story. Win a chance to get vouchers in cybersecurity.
- Keep low barriers to trying your app.
- Gamifying can help.
This way I will make something for real. And will keep learning about cybersecurity too. Let’s go.
Let’s make something useful for people.