Job Hunting: Week 1: Need to showcase what I know

Posted on Jun 24, 2024

This is the week where I have my thesis defense. And then I can finally say that I completed my Master’s degree!

24 June - Monday

  • I just finished writing notes for OSI Model and will share them soon in my website Dezible.
  • I think this was the first time when I actually liked learning (and not just cramming) about OSI layer.

25 June - Tuesday

  • It was a fun night as my friend was leaving back to India.
  • Completing my thesis presentation and hoping to do it without too much stress!

26 June - Wednesday

  • I am not applying to jobs at the moment. Want to do the thesis defense with some preparation!
  • Pretty sure that I got the flow of my presentation sorted out.
  • Still thinking about the career choice.

27 June - Thursday

  • I was up all night trying to finish the presentation.
  • It is nearly done! Just one more day and it will be show time :)

28 June - Friday

  • And it is a wrap! I got the grade ’excellent’ for my thesis. Never thought I will be so proud of completing a degree.
  • Now on to the next steps of finding a good job.

Out for the week! The plan is to organize my thoughts and go for the job hunting properly.